Soundguard Acoustics Ltd has completed a few Workplace Noise Risk Assessments this week. One was a repeat assessment of a farming machinery manufacturer in Truro, Cornwall and the other was a welding and fabrications company in Bideford, Devon. Both companies required advice in regards their noise levels, their employee exposure levels to noise and their responsibilities under the HSE Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005.  Soundguard Acoustics completed the onsite assessment of noise levels assessments and determined the likely employee occupational exposure noise levels. Using the guidance within the HSE Control of Noise at Work Regulations we have worked with the company in developing an action plan of noise control, identified appropriate signage and advised on suitable approaches, such as hearing protection and the requirements for ongoing annual hearing health surveillance assessments. Need assistance with your Control of Noise at Work Risk Assessment? – give us a SHOUT! here